Our Programs

We have a variety of programs to fit all children’s needs. All of our programs use our friendly “story time with a ball” approach that has received recognition by many early education experts as the premier nursery-age fitness program.

Weekly Preschool Classes

Our weekly preschool HappyFeet classes are only 30 minutes and take place at your child’s preschool or early training center only once a week, during the day while you work. These will not interfere with their classroom learning time. These sessions will include highly structured soccer activities not only with a soccer ball, but also many other fun “props” that are sure to please.


The HappyFeet Youth Soccer League is an excellent opportunity to see your little one further develop and showcase his/her HappyFeet soccer skills. Our league curriculum maximizes fun and friendship to ensure your child always wants to come back! We have found that parents & grandparents enjoy the league program as much as the kids!

On-Site Classes

Our weekly on site classes take place at a designated site. Classes are held during the week, Thursdays at 10-10:30 a.m. On site classes are open to the public. Children play indoor soccer with other friends!  These sessions will include highly structured soccer activities using imagination play while building soccer skills.